My Worst Panic Attack

There is nothing more worse or terrifying thank having a real and legitimate panic attack.
When a panic attack is so severe that you literally cannot breathe and your heart is beating out of your chest, it will scare you to death.
My most recent panic attack was the worst one that I ever had. My symptoms ranged from tightening of my chest, labored breathing, could not catch my breath to my heart feeling like it was gonna explode.
On top of that I kept having black out spells. This was the worst panic attack of my life. This is my experience of that day.
The Panic Attack That Would Not Stop
Recently I had the worst panic attack of my life and it would not go away. There was nothing that caused it or brought it on. I was riding in a car when the panic attack hit me and it hit me hard.
So what exactly is a panic attack? A panic attack is a sudden onset of anxiety or fear for no reason that causes your body to react in a severe manner. Panic attacks can be very scary.
If you have never had a severe panic attack then it is hard to explain what your body goes through.
Imagine your mind convincing your body that there is something bad happening and so your body needs to react.
The problem is that your body reacts in extreme ways such as hyperventilating, fast heart rate, rapid breathing, tightness of the chest, paranoia and even blackouts.
Panic Attack Symptoms
When a severe panic attack happens, it can make you feel like you are losing control over everything in your body.
Plus your chest tightens up accompanied by rapid breathing and shortness of breath. It can even make you feel like you are having a heart attack or dying.
These types of panic attacks are terrifying and I experienced every effect that it could throw at me.
I have had minor panic attacks and anxiety attacks in my life but nothing that would compare me for this type of panic attack.
Once this panic attack hit me in the car it got worse. Hours after we got home it kept getting worse.
There was nothing that I could do too make it stop. I couldn’t sleep at night until I was extremely exhausted.
My lungs went from hyperventilating to barely being able to breathe. Then, I had to fight for each breath at night. Especially when trying to lay down. I could not breathe!!
The problem was that when I woke up the next morning, the panic attack was still there. I tried deep breathing exercises to no avail.
I even tried walking to see if it would help. The attacks just kept getting worse and it would not go away.
After four days of living like this I had my wife take me to the ER. They ran all the tests and said I was having an extreme panic attack (like I did not already know what).
Panic Attack and Medications
They have me a medicine called Hydroxyzine while I was in there and sent me how with a 3 day supply of the medicine.
The medicine done nothing that I could tell. By this time I am exhausted and my body is drained from fighting this extreme panic attack.
So three days after I went to my personal doctor (had to wait on an appointment)
I went to my doctor and told him everything and he became very interested on how he could help me get my extreme panic attack stopped.
So he went all out. He gave me an Ativan shot in his office and it worked immediate. Finally some relief from the attack that would not go away.
I had suffered from this panic attack for about 5 days with no relief.
He sent me home with Xanax 2mg and an antidepressant. He went big and brought out the big meds.
Guess what? My severe panic attack stopped that day and I have medications as I need them if the panic attacks start again.
WE could never figure out what was the root cause of the panic attack’s. I don’t care though because at least the attacks are stopped for now.
The panic attack that would not go away has gone away and I am happy for now.
Tips for Panic Attacks
- If you have panic attack medicines then by all means take them as prescribed. That is what they are there for. Then just wait for them to kick in and stop the attack. It was the medications that brought me out of the panic attack.
- When a panic attack happens one of the first things to malfunction is your breathing. So focus on breathing through your nose and out your mouth as slow as you can.
- Next is your brain. Your brain will try to convince you that something is wrong when it is not. Work on telling yourself that there is absolutely nothing wrong.
- Walking. Walking helped me tremendously and it helped keep my lungs in time with my fast breathing. This ultimately helped slow down my breathing.
- Sweating. I used a cold wet cloth to wipe down with while I was walking. Keep applying the cold wet cloth. This really works.
- Wait it out. While you are applying the above steps, work on your mind set by telling your brain that this is over and then wait for it to pass.
As with any type of medical emergency, always consult with your doctor and do what he or she says.
Please understand just how important panic attacks are. If not treated properly, they can truly take over your breathing and your body.
Panic attacks and severe anxiety disorder are real issues that affects millions of people everyday. Don’t be afraid to get help. There are Solutions.
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