Depressed teenage girl outside

Tough News: Setting Boundaries and Caring for Your Mind in a Difficult World MHA Admin Fri, 06/24/2022 – 14:07 June 24, 2022 By Katie Lee, MHA Deputy Director of Communications I recently typed the biggest headline of the day into Google, and in less than a second, 52 million news …

Setting Boundaries and Caring for Your Mind in a Difficult World Read more »

Recently I was asked what to do when you don’t want to take your bipolar medication. What do you do when you’re battling medication noncompliance (also known as nonadherence) within yourself? I thought this was a good question as it’s something that many of us battle with. We know we …

When You Don’t Want to Take Your Bipolar Medication — Battling Noncompliance Read more »

  Hope & Harmony HeadlinesSeptember 22, 2022  •  Volume 15, Issue 38 All romantic relationships present challenges, but when bipolar enters the scene, it can shake the foundation. Yet, by working together, you and your mate can protect the health of the partnership—for the long term. Extreme mood fluctuations and …

How to Keep Your Relationship Thriving With Bipolar Disorder Read more »

Education resolves ignorance and can overcome stigma, especially when it comes to brain-based health conditions like bipolar disorder. But what happens when the way we educate others is biased and flawed?   Bipolar Stigma & Education Lately, I’ve been taking stock of my own different perspectives on bipolar. I’m drawing …

Bipolar, Language, & Stigma: Can We Change the Narrative? Read more »